Arte Spettacolo Lazio: spazi eterni

Categoria: Arte Spettacolo Metropolitan City of Rome Capital

Quando si terra' Arte Spettacolo Lazio: spazi eterni?

Il giorno 07/07/23 dalle 18:00:00 alle 18:00:00

Dove si terra' l'evento?


Di cosa si tratta: Arte Spettacolo Lazio: spazi eterni?

Arte Spettacolo Lazio: spazi eterni
Eternal spaces of a continuous quest, of a soul that knows how to create space, structure and fluidity, deconstruction, abstraction and simplicity.The river that everything drags is known as violent, but nobody calls violent the margins that arrest him’-Bertolt BrechtBy replacing the word ‘violent’ with the word ‘intense’, I would say that that line of Brecht’s perfectly encapsulates the work of Maria Papadopoulou in all her idiosyncrasy, as I have grasped from the little that we have interacted.

Eternal spaces of a continuous quest, of a soul that knows how to create space, structure and fluidity, deconstruction, abstraction and simplicity.The river that everything drags is known as violent, but nobody calls violent the margins that arrest him’-Bertolt BrechtBy replacing the word ‘violent’ with the word ‘intense’, I would say that that line of Brecht’s perfectly encapsulates the work of Maria Papadopoulou in all her idiosyncrasy, as I have grasped from the little that we have interacted.

Arte Spettacolo Metropolitan City of Rome Capital

Arte Spettacolo Lazio: spazi eterni

- Visualizzazioni 202

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